Kay Smith "Again with Music"
Now that the rain is spent,
Trees and the purple-headed timothy and the tall grasses
Are all netted over with seed pearls.
Far as the eye can reach the sea is pale as a pearl,
The air a pool of stillness,
And so still the wild roses their petals make porcelain faces.
From leaf to leaf a raindrop slips,
Stillness upon stillness.
And sprawling over the living grass and the roses,
A dead apple tree with beauty in its bare bones,
Never to put forth again a pink and white cloud of witnesses,
Suddenly blossoms with yellow birds in its grey limbs,
And is almost alive again with music.
Love, O love, let the birds happen to me.
Let the wild, sweet voices remember me.

North side of King Street East, mid-way between Carmarthen and Wentworth
Posted for Dr. J with best wishes.
Trees and the purple-headed timothy and the tall grasses
Are all netted over with seed pearls.
Far as the eye can reach the sea is pale as a pearl,
The air a pool of stillness,
And so still the wild roses their petals make porcelain faces.
From leaf to leaf a raindrop slips,
Stillness upon stillness.
And sprawling over the living grass and the roses,
A dead apple tree with beauty in its bare bones,
Never to put forth again a pink and white cloud of witnesses,
Suddenly blossoms with yellow birds in its grey limbs,
And is almost alive again with music.
Love, O love, let the birds happen to me.
Let the wild, sweet voices remember me.

North side of King Street East, mid-way between Carmarthen and Wentworth
Posted for Dr. J with best wishes.
I just found you! I used to live in SJ and I loved coming across your stencils...each one was like a little surprise gift, especially for me.
Keep up The Work. :) It's very, very Good.
Hey there anonymous poetry spray painter. If you haven't heard of him, I thought you might be interested in Banksy. I saw some of his work in London and Berlin last summer. I still have yet to stumble across your stuff. I might even make myself a little walking map according to your directions and go on a treasure hunt...
I just stumbled across your blog and I think what you are doing is beautiful.
You not only choose incredible poems, but the most wonderful lines to stencil. Bravo!
p.s. I am going to link to you on my site, I hope you don't mind. If you do, let me know and I'll remove you :)
what a sweet little poem.
Thank you for bringing a smile to my morning!
New blogger. Just wanted to say hello to fellow poet bloggers and invite them to submit to my ezine.
COOL...EXCELLENT. Hey, you might like my poems.
beautiful poem;
my blog focuses on poetry among other things:
fuck yeah my g
one of your best ones i'd say
I enjoyed this. Keep it up!
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